Carillon Fund Dividend & Tax Information

  • Year-End Distributions

    Record Date: 12/27/2024
    EX Date: 12/30/2024
    Payment Date: 12/30/2024
    Fund Cusip Reinvest NAV Income Short-Term1 Long-Term Total
    Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund – Class A 14214M393 16.73 0.139202 0.021460 2.035030 2.195692
    Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund – Class C 14214M385 16.74 0.045730 0.021350 2.024850 2.091930
    Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund – Class I 16140T301 16.72 0.186544 0.021510 2.039520 2.247574
    Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund – Class R-6 14214M377 16.73 0.189557 0.021520 2.040450 2.251527
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund – Class A 14214M369 16.82 0.362291 - 0.681910 1.044201
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund – Class C 14214M351 16.81 0.290302 - 0.678530 0.968832
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund – Class I 16140T608 16.82 0.404087 - 0.683510 1.087597
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund – Class R-6 14214M344 16.81 0.422334 - 0.683730 1.106114
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund – Class A 14214M336 15.03 0.163854 0.220800 5.874730 6.259384
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund – Class C 14214M328 15.06 0.059308 0.219690 5.845310 6.124308
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund – Class I 16140T509 15.03 0.198791 0.221290 5.887830 6.307911
    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund – Class R-6 14214M310 15.03 0.203759 0.221370 5.889900 6.315029
    Carillon ClariVest Capital Appreciation Fund – Class A 14214L106 55.10 - - 6.954360 6.954360
    Carillon ClariVest Capital Appreciation Fund – Class C 14214L205 28.04 - - 3.539870 3.539870
    Carillon ClariVest Capital Appreciation Fund – Class I 14214L304 60.30 0.003643 - 7.611000 7.614643
    Carillon ClariVest Capital Appreciation Fund - Class R-6 14214L601 59.00 0.017655 - 7.448940 7.466595
    Carillon Eagle Growth & Income Fund - Class A 14214L809 20.32 0.079722 0.060980 3.057150 3.197852
    Carillon Eagle Growth & Income Fund - Class C 14214L882 19.10 0.037754 0.057220 2.868490 2.963464
    Carillon Eagle Growth & Income Fund - Class I 14214L874 20.23 0.095664 0.060770 3.046790 3.203224
    Carillon Eagle Growth & Income Fund - Class R-6 14214L841 20.18 0.100108 0.060640 3.040200 3.200948
    Carillon Eagle Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class A 14214L668 70.85 - - 9.153750 9.153750
    Carillon Eagle Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class C 14214L650 50.66 - - 6.545550 6.545550
    Carillon Eagle Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class I 14214L643 77.34 - - 9.992650 9.992650
    Carillon Eagle Mid Cap Growth Fund - Class R-6 14214L619 78.41 - - 10.130160 10.130160
    Carillon Eagle Small Cap Growth Fund - Class A 14214L510 20.51 - 0.140880 4.479790 4.620670
    Carillon Eagle Small Cap Growth Fund - Class C 14214L494 2.63 - 0.018060 0.574130 0.592190
    Carillon Eagle Small Cap Growth Fund - Class I 14214L486 24.70 - 0.169610 5.393600 5.563210
    Carillon Eagle Small Cap Growth Fund - Class R-6 14214L452 25.90 - 0.177880 5.656680 5.834560
    Carillon Scout Mid Cap Fund - Class A 14214M807 23.01 0.056923 0.973720 2.516390 3.547033
    Carillon Scout Mid Cap Fund - Class C 14214M880 22.16 0.003223 0.935570 2.417790 3.356583
    Carillon Scout Mid Cap Fund - Class I 14214M872 23.20 0.123252 0.984370 2.543900 3.651522
    Carillon Scout Mid Cap Fund - Class R-6 14214M849 23.16 0.153517 0.984150 2.543320 3.680987
    Carillon Scout Small Cap Fund - Class A 14214M823 28.80 - - 3.140120 3.140120
    Carillon Scout Small Cap Fund - Class C 14214M815 26.99 - - 2.942680 2.942680
    Carillon Scout Small Cap Fund - Class I 14214M799 29.38 - - 3.203500 3.203500
    Carillon Scout Small Cap Fund - Class R-6 14214M765 29.62 - - 3.229450 3.229450
    Carillon ClariVest International Stock Fund - Class A 14214L825 23.27 0.689074 - 0.205340 0.894414
    Carillon ClariVest International Stock Fund - Class C 14214L817 22.86 0.441377 - 0.199790 0.641167
    Carillon ClariVest International Stock Fund - Class I 14214L791 23.49 0.690867 - 0.207250 0.898117
    Carillon ClariVest International Stock Fund - Class R-6 14214L767 23.23 0.710738 - 0.205250 0.915988
    Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund* – Class A 14214M468 13.19 0.027476 - - 0.027476
    Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund* – Class C 14214M450 13.19 0.019656 - - 0.019656
    Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund* – Class I 16140T202 13.19 0.030557 - - 0.030557
    Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund* – Class R-6 14214M443 13.19 0.031578 - - 0.031578
    Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund – Class A 14214M435 9.48 0.038439 - - 0.038439
    Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund – Class C 14214M427 9.48 0.032328 - - 0.032328
    Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund – Class I 16140T400 9.47 0.040865 - - 0.040865
    Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund – Class R-6 14214M419 9.48 0.041462 - - 0.041462
    Carillon Reams Core Bond Fund - Class A 14214L270 10.59 0.035441 - - 0.035441
    Carillon Reams Core Bond Fund - Class C 14214L262 10.54 0.028300 - - 0.028300
    Carillon Reams Core Bond Fund - Class I 14214L254 10.59 0.038214 - - 0.038214
    Carillon Reams Core Bond Fund - Class R-6 14214L221 10.61 0.039115 - - 0.039115
    Carillon Reams Core Plus Bond Fund - Class A 14214M666 29.04 0.105737 - - 0.105737
    Carillon Reams Core Plus Bond Fund - Class C 14214M658 28.80 0.087557 - - 0.087557
    Carillon Reams Core Plus Bond Fund - Class I 14214M641 29.15 0.113248 - - 0.113248
    Carillon Reams Core Plus Bond Fund - Class R-6 14214M617 29.15 0.115763 - - 0.115763
    Carillon Reams Unconstrained Bond Fund - Class A 14214M740 12.14 0.074622 - - 0.074622
    Carillon Reams Unconstrained Bond Fund - Class C 14214M732 12.03 0.067182 - - 0.067182
    Carillon Reams Unconstrained Bond Fund - Class I 14214M724 12.17 0.077836 - - 0.077836
    Carillon Reams Unconstrained Bond Fund - Class R-6 14214M682 12.17 0.078861 - - 0.078861


    1 Short Term Capital Gains are taxed to the shareholder as ordinary income.

    Not all share classes are available to all investors or are available on all platforms.

    Record Date: the date used to determine the holders of the fund who are entitled to receive a dividend or distribution.

    EX Date: the ex-dividend date is the day on which all shares bought and sold no longer come attached with the right to receive the most recently declared dividend or distribution.

    Payment Date: the date that dividends or distributions are paid as of.

    *Effective April 26, 2024, the Carillon Chartwell Income Fund was renamed as the Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund. Please see the prospectus for the specific details.

  • Distributions


    Carillon Reams Core Bond Fund1

    Share Class Record Date Ex Date Dividend Per Share Reinvestment Price
    Class A 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.033132 $10.82
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.036138 $10.59
    Class C* 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.027857 $10.78
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.029526 $10.55
    Class I 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.035703 $10.83
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.039021 $10.60
    Class R6 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.036393 $10.85
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.039920 $10.62

    Carillon Reams Core Plus Bond Fund1

    Share Class Record Date Ex Date Dividend Per Share Reinvestment Price
    Class A 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.085897 $29.71
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.117420 $29.05
    Class C* 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.067830 $28.47
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.099374 $28.81
    Class I 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.092609 $29.83
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.124794 $29.16
    Class R6 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.094866 $29.83
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.127271 $29.16

    Carillon Reams Unconstrained Bond Fund1

    Share Class Record Date Ex Date Dividend Per Share Reinvestment Price
    Class A 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.000000 $12.41
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.076845 $12.15
    Class C* 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.000000 $12.27
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.076845 $12.02
    Class I 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.000762 $12.44
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.076845 $12.18
    Class R6 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.002751 $12.44
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.076845 $12.18

    Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund1 (Formerly known as Carillon Chartwell Income Fund)

    Share Class Record Date Ex Date Dividend Per Share Reinvestment Price
    Class A 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.022862 $13.51
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.017340 $13.43
    Class C* 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.015193 $13.51
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.009178 $13.43
    Class I 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.024920 $13.51
      1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.019599 $13.43
    Class R-6 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.025917 $13.52
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.020633 $13.43

    Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund1

    Share Class Record Date Ex Date Dividend Per Share Reinvestment Price
    Class A 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.039322 $9.54
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.040630 $9.52
    Class C* 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.033772 $9.54
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.034464 $9.52
    Class I 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.040959 $9.53
      1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.042394 $9.52
    Class R-6 2/28/2025 3/3/2025 $0.041690 $9.54
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 $0.043381 $9.52

    *The Carillon Family of Funds will convert class C share accounts that are more than 8 years old to class A shares on the third of each month. Shareholders may continue to purchase shares in either class, but will be required to pay a sales charge on new purchases of Class A shares.

    (1) The Carillon Reams Core Bond Fund, Carillon Reams Core Plus Bond Fund, Carillon Reams Unconstrained Bond Fund, Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund, and Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund pay monthly on the first business day of the month. If the first business day falls on a holiday, the Fund will go EX on the following business day.

  • Dividend Schedule

    Carillon Eagle Growth & Income Fund1

    Record Date Ex Date Pay Date
    3/31/2025 4/1/2025 4/1/2025
    6/30/2025 7/1/2025 7/1/2025
    9/30/2025 10/1/2025 10/1/2025
    12/24/2025 12/26/2025 12/26/2025

    Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund, Carillon ClariVest Capital Appreciation Fund, Carillon Eagle Mid Cap Growth Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Fund, Carillon Eagle Small Cap Growth Fund, Carillon Scout Mid Cap Fund, & Carillon ClariVest International Stock Fund2

    Record Date Ex Date Pay Date
    12/24/2025 12/26/2025 12/26/2025

    Carillon Chartwell Real Income Fund, Carillon Chartwell Short Duration High Yield Fund, Carillon Reams Core Bond Fund, Carillon Reams Core Plus Bond Fund, & Carillon Reams Unconstrained Bond Fund3

    Record Date Ex Date Pay Date
    1/31/2025 2/3/2025 2/3/2025
    2/28/2025 3/3/2025 3/3/2025
    3/31/2025 4/1/2025 4/1/2025
    4/30/2025 5/1/2025 5/1/2025
    5/30/2025 6/2/2025 6/2/2025
    6/30/2025 7/1/2025 7/1/2025
    7/31/2025 8/1/2025 8/1/2025
    8/29/2025 9/2/2025 9/2/2025
    9/30/2025 10/1/2025 10/1/2025
    10/31/2025 11/3/2025 11/3/2025
    11/28/2025 12/1/2025 12/1/2025
    12/24/2025 12/26/2025 12/26/2025

    Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund & Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Fund*

    Record Date Ex Date Pay Date
    4/22/2025 4/23/2025 4/23/2025


    * This is a special distribution, if needed, pre reorganization. On 1/18/2025, the Carillon Scout Small Cap Fund was renamed The Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Fund.

    REORGANIZATION NOTICE: The Board of Trustees (“Board”) of Carillon Series Trust (“Trust”) approved a Plan of Reorganization and Termination (the “Reorganization Plan”) pursuant to which the Carillon Scout Small Cap Fund (the “Fund”) would be reorganized into the Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund (the “Acquiring Fund”) (the “Reorganization”), effective on or about April 25, 2025. In connection with the Reorganization, the Board approved, among other things: (1) the appointment of Chartwell Investment Partners, LLC (“Chartwell”) to replace Scout Investments, Inc. (“Scout”) as the subadvisor for the Fund on or about January 18, 2025; (2) a change in the name of the Fund to the “Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Fund”; (3) changes to the Fund’s non-fundamental investment objective and policy with respect to the investment of 80% of its assets (plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes); and (4) changes to the Fund’s principal investment strategies and principal risks, each effective January 18, 2025. Please see the November 18, 2024 prospectus supplement for additional information or contact us at 800.421.4184. If you purchased shares of a Fund through your financial intermediary, please contact your broker-dealer or other financial intermediary for further details.

    (1) Carillon Eagle Growth & Income Fund pays quarterly on the first business day following calendar quarter end. If the first business day falls on a holiday, the Fund will go ex on the following business day.

    (2) All Carillon equity funds to include: Carillon ClariVest Capital Appreciation Fund, Carillon Eagle Mid Cap Growth Fund, Carillon Eagle Small Cap Growth Fund, Carillon Scout Mid Cap Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Fund, Carillon Chartwell Mid Cap Value Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Growth Fund, Carillon Chartwell Small Cap Value Fund, and Carillon ClariVest International Stock Fund pay annually some time in December (to be determined at a later date).

    (3) All Carillon Chartwell and Reams fixed income funds pay monthly on the first business day of the month. If the first business day falls on a holiday, the Fund will go ex on the following business day.

  • Tax Information

Please consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of any fund before investing. Read the prospectus, or summary prospectus, carefully before you invest or send money.

For the Carillon Family of Funds, please call 800.421.4184 or your financial professional for a prospectus, or summary prospectus, which contains this and other important information. Prospectuses and additional information for all Funds can be found here.

Not FDIC insured. No bank guarantee. May lose value.

Carillon mutual funds may be offered only to persons in the United States and its territories, and by way of a prospectus. This website should not be considered a solicitation or offering of any Carillon mutual fund to investors residing outside the United States or its territories.

Carillon Fund Distributors®, Inc., Member FINRA. 880 Carillon Parkway, St. Petersburg, FL 33716